For the eighth time,, based on guests’ ratings posted over after their stay, has awarded a special distinction to the best hotels and accommodations around the world. As every year, among the winners were all Dr Irena Eris SPA Hotels—in Krynica-Zdrój, Polanica-Zdrój and Wzgórza Dylewskie. More than 80 percent of travelers declare that before choosing a place to stay, they read the reviews of other guests. Traveller Review Awards 2020 honors those partners who make exceptional effort in providing tourist services at the highest level. In order to be awarded a distinction at this year’s Traveller Review Awards 2020, the establishments must have received on 1 November 2019 a rating of no less than 8 points (out of 10 possible) and a minimum of five reviews based on which the rating was calculated.